Sunday, May 3, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Activists, Reformers Now Control State Party

by Paul Hogarth‚ Apr. 27‚ 2009

Before the California Democratic Convention ended yesterday, delegates bucked the Party leadership on the May 19th ballot measures – by securing a “no endorsement” on Propositions 1A, 1D and 1E. State legislators and Party operatives pushed “yes” on all six measures, but enough of the grassroots who stayed for the tail end of the session refused to go along. I’ve been attending these Conventions for 12 years, and it’s clear now that activists and “reform” types run the Party – a stark contrast to how it once was. That’s because Howard Dean and Barack Obama brought in a new wave of rank-and-file members, and now we see the impact. College students have replaced the “professional” types that once dominated the Young Democrats caucus. Reformer Hillary Crosby won the race for State Party Controller, and even John Burton’s election as Party Chair is a good thing for the activist wing. Politicians must adapt to this change, and it’s clear some of them – like John Garamendi – still don’t get it. In the race for Governor, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom was not well received at the Convention by delegates from his hometown – as he painted a rosy picture of how things are in the City. And while Chris Daly ran as a “reformer” in the race for Regional Director, other factors contributed his defeat.

Click the title for the whole article...

When Women Run, Women Win!


If you are running for office, considering a run in the future, or just want to know more about the process, this training is for you!

What: NWPC training: So you want to run for office?!

Where: College of Marin, Olney Hall

When: Saturday, May 9, 2009 9:30-3

Who: Experienced campaigners from the NWPC Coaching and Mentoring program, elected officials, campaign professionals and more

Join us for a comprehensive look at what it takes to be a candidate.


9:30: registration, coffee and mingling

10:30-12: From Supe to Sewer: A panel of elected officials talk about their experiences running, their best and worst moments, and more!

12-1: It’s Your Turn: Lunch with introductions (1 min. each) and a presentation by Emerge California, Democratic women’s training program

1-2:30: Fundraising, Phoning and the Fun of the Race: Learn from veteran campaigners and professional consultants how the race is run and won

2:30-3 Wrap up with guest speaker

Only $20 per person All welcome!

To pre-register send your check to:

NWPC Marin
PO Box 113
Kentfield, CA 94904

Please bring a sack lunch

Email Dotty for more information or to rsvp
coastlaw @earthlink .net

When Women Run, Women Win!